

Indemnities and Insurance

All members (And participating non-members)

Because of Insurance changes where the Insurer puts stipulations and conditions on the terms of Insurance, at all activities we have to do indemnities differently. On every Wednesday A&S meeting night, every member has to produce their membership card and sign in on the Members indemnity sheets. The 6-monthly indemnities are gone. The cost for the night (towards rent) is currently $5.00 Non-Members (and Members without a card) need to sign in on a Non-Members Indemnity sheet and they are also required to pay $5.00 towards the rent. PLUS, they have to pay a further $10.00 for insurance = Total cost of $15.00 payable on the night, in cash. There are NO exceptions on the Event Membership whatsoever under ANY circumstances. It enables insurance cover for those people. This also means that any person coming to ‘check us out’ with a view to becoming involved is required to pay the $10.00 Event Membership so that they are covered by insurance. First time visitor(s) can still come free against the rent levy but they must pay the Event Membership for every non-member. Non-members are any person (adults, children, toddlers, babes in arms etc) that is NOT a member. A flow-on effect of this is that at a demo, a non-member is not able or permitted to try anything. They can look, ask questions, be given pamphlets etc but they are not permitted to do anything. They can’t pull back on a bow. They can’t swing a sword around. They can’t have a go at cross-stitch or calligraphy. They can look and touch but they can’t do anything. However, if they pay the Event Membership, they can participate as they are then covered by insurance. The $10.00 Event Membership goes to Kingdom and is paid to the Societies Insurer. Neither the Kingdom nor Stegby make anything out of the Event Membership.